Reminder: Sanctions for lack of declaration in the RO e-Transport System of all goods for international road transport will apply from 1 July 2024
RO e-Transport is an electronic system that is used to monitor international road transport of goods in Romania. Road transport of goods with high fiscal risk is monitored in national transport operations, more information can be find here
The legal entities responsible for declaring the goods in the RO e-Transport system are:
- the consignee listed in the customs declaration for import, or the consignor listed in the customs declaration for export, when it comes to goods covered by import or export operations, as appropriate.
- the Romanian consignee when the transported goods are acquired in an EU country.
- the Romanian supplier if the transported goods are delivered to an EU country.
- the warehouse owner, in the case of goods in transit that are the subject of the transaction within the EU, both for goods unloaded on Romanian territory for storage or for the creation of a new shipment of one or more consignments of goods, as well as for goods loaded after storage or after creating a new transport on the national territory from one or more shipments of goods.
The beneficiaries of the goods from Romania can declare in the RO e-Transport system the data related to the transport of goods, within a maximum of 3 days before the date declared for the start of the transport, but until the presentation at the road border crossing point upon entering Romania or at the place of import, respectively when the vehicle is actually put into motion, as appropriate.
Obligations of the haulier:
- to ensure the transfer of the current positioning data of the transport vehicle, which are the subject of the declaration, for the entire duration of the transport route of the goods which are the subject of monitoring through the RO e-Transport System. The National Agency for Fiscal Administration in Romania (ANAF) developed an application that will be available in Google Play or App Store, the application is not available in Google Play Store yet.
- to equip transport vehicles with telecommunications terminal devices using satellite positioning and data transmission technologies - no additional information available at this moment
- to make available to the driver the received UIT code, which is generated by the RO e-Transport System, through which the data related to a consignment of goods is identified.
UIT code
The UIT code is valid for 5 days for national transport starting from the stated transportation date, or 15 days when the transported goods are acquired in an EU country.
The UIT code is forbidden to be used if expired. If a transport operation is cancelled, returned, or only partially completed, a new UIT code must be generated.
The UIT code is valid for 5 days for cabotage transport operations.
The UIT code can be sent to the driver via WhatsApp, e-mail, or by simply making a photo to the screen of the laptop/computer and send it to the driver.
The authorities that verify the UIT code and apply sanctions:
- National Agency of Fiscal Administration
- Romanian Customs Authority
- officers and police agents of the Romanian Police
The checks can be made anywhere on the road, after the truck enters Romania or until it exits from Romania, it can be immediately after the border crossing point, or roadside checks.
Failure by the driver of the transport vehicle to present, at the request of the competent authorities, the documents that accompany the transport of goods subject to monitoring through the RO e-Transport system together with the UIT code provided, is sanctioned with a fine between 5,000 RON to 10,000 RON, and it applies to the driver.
Goods under TIR carnet, T1/T2 document
Import of goods in Romania from EU/non-EU countries under TIR carnet, T1/T2 document is not subject to RO e-Transport system, and there is no need of an UIT code until the customs office where the customs operation ends.
If the transport operator, after carrying out the customs clearance, takes the same goods and distributes it at another unloading point on the territory of Romania, then the transport operator must receive the UIT code for the goods that are transported from the customs office to the destination.
Export of goods from Romania to EU/non-EU countries under customs regime (TIR carnet, T1/T2 document) is not subject to RO e-Transport system, and there is no need of an UIT code. But if the goods that are exported from Romania to EU/non-EU countries are loaded from a Romanian company and the customs clearance is carried out in an internal customs office or at the customs office at the border, then this kind of transport operation need an UIT code until the customs office.